Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Grateful Day 3

I'm thankful for my boys. They are so much fun and bring so much excitement to every aspect of my life. Parker is smart, funny, and spirited, while Austin is calm, cuddly, and engaging. They both possess different and wonderful qualities that make them special. Some days I take their health and awesomeness for granted, but I hope I can be more thankful for them each day. 

 Here he is pretending to the be "the bush-man", a homeless guy that jumps out and scares people on the streets of San Francisco, as he pops out from behind his leafy prop. Hey, what can I say? Some children want to be a fireman or astronaut when they get older. My boy wants to be a Bush-MAN! Dream big kid!

I am also incredibly grateful for my parents and their willingness to give us a place to call home for the last 6 months. They also continue to be so generous with their time, babysitting, and Costco purchases:) I love the relationship my boys have with their Grammy and Papa. They're the best!

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