Thursday, May 28, 2015

Strawberry picking

There are lots of farms around us, so we decided to give strawberry picking a go. It wasn't too hot, so that was nice, but boy is that a lot of work for very small strawberries! Granted, they taste great, but after about 15 min of bending over to retrieve strawberries 1/4 the size of Costco's, I lost interest and relied upon the boys to do the job. Pregnancy and strawberry picking... not so much. 

There were also animals to feed and playhouses to play in. 

 And I loved the Amish out with their kids stocking up for the weekend Farmer's Market, I would guess.

 We loved going with Blake, Austin's best friend here, and his mom Cheryl. They are great friends of ours.

1 comment:

  1. hah ok, because i was thinking how hard that would be to strawberry pick while pregnant! it is backbreaking even while not pregnant!
