Tuesday, May 19, 2015

End of school picnic

At Parker's preschool, they have one of the last school days designated to the End of School Picnic. So instead of going to school, we all meet at a park and the kids play and eat a picnic lunch. It's a fun way to chat and enjoy the other families. There really are some nice kids in his class. 

Austin liked the bird seed sensory bin. 
 Parker and his buddies. It's funny because when he runs around there are literally 10 kids running after him. When he stops, they stop. He's the leader of the pack for sure. We have focused a lot on the responsibilities of being a leader, and how it's important to be a good example for others that are naturally following you. I think he does this very well. He also tries to include other children who are more shy, which is so sweet.
 Some of his best buddies this year were Owen and Jadon. His other buddy Ben, we recently found it, is from Michigan, so his mom and I have bonded over that connection.

 He also gifted me with some Mother's Day love in the form of a questionaire. He was the only one in the class to get their mom's age right. He has become very attentive and his answers were pretty much spot on. I also noticed that he has been asking me some of these questions at home, once Mrs. Vaughan got him thinking about some of these things.


  1. That is so sweet about Parker being the leader of the pack but trying to include the other kids :)

  2. pretty impressive he's the leader of the pack after moving in part way through the year! You're an awesome mom ! Love his mothers day note
