Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Utterly random

Parker was making breakfast with Pete the other day and I walked into the kitchen. Parker asks me, "Hey... want some eggs, Babe?" He is his father's son:)

A few weeks ago, Parker unrolled a BRAND NEW roll of toilet paper. Usually I wold just toss it out of frustration, but given that it was BRAND NEW I decided to wad it up and use it... I am happy to report I used every last square of that wadded up role yesterday. Small victory.

Parker hasn't had a full blown tantrum in three days! I've been able to talk him down before it's escalated every time. Whoo hoo! I told him how happy I was that he was making good choices and he replied, "That makes mama so happy. I not knock over Austin. I not throw things. I not slap mama on the face..."  At least he knows the way to my heart.

Several months ago, Parker poured rice in our oatmeal container. I did my best to get rid of the rice, while not having to dump out all the oatmeal. Since then, every oatmeal dish I make (oatmeal, cookies, crisps, etc...) has traces of uncooked rice in them. It re-angers me every time. It may be time to just start over with a new container of oatmeal. It's not worth my angst:)

How cute is Austin? I think he has the same sports gene that Parker does. He loves to throw the ball around all day long. I love how giddy this boy is. What a little sweetheart.

Pete has done a great job keeping up his healthy routines since starting work. I'm so proud of him. He's lost almost 30 pounds in all. Wow... didn't know he had that much to lose. He looks great.

I had a conference call with U of M yesterday for work. They asked how California was and I boasted that we were at Legoland on Monday and it was at least 75 degrees. They were shocked that it could be 75 degrees warmer than where they are in Ann Arbor. It never got that cold when we lived there, thank goodness. Got out just in time:)

Legoland was so fun on Monday. Pete didn't have to work, so we had a leisurely, sunny day. It was awesome. Here's a pic of me and my green pants twin.

 Austin reppin' Cal Poly. At Legoland, Pete saw a toddler in a Cal Poly shirt and asked, "You think she goes to Cal Poly?" haha.
 Fun on the boat ride. Parker was passionate about the big bad wolf made out of legos!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like all your boys are doing great! I'm glad Parker in cooking you breakfast, calling you babe, and resolving not to slap your face.
