Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Swimming lessons

Parker has had swimming lessons everyday for the past two weeks. The first few days, he didn't want to get his face wet. Hard to progress with that hangup. Then he started going under. Awesome, but he was still sinking and totally unaware of how to possibly make his body buoyant. But sometime in the last three days of class, it clicked. He was swimming strokes and then flipping to his back float. He was jumping off the side. I would still say he is NO WHERE NEAR water safe, and my plan now is to not continue swim lessons to avoid overconfidence, so he'll keep wearing floaties. But I am glad that he came so far and really did his best at something that did not come easy to him. Our motto for those weeks, "I can do hard things!" And he did!

Austin was a supportive spectator... most of the time.
 His teacher Miss Andi was really encouraging with him.
 Aussie loves floating around Grammy and Papa's pool. He has such an easy going demeanor both in and out of the water. It's hilarious watching him glide around.

 My little albino.

1 comment:

  1. i've been enjoying the floaties this year because i can watch from the sidelines, but i think soon we will need to teach miles swimming too. but then i have to get in the water!
