Monday, June 30, 2014

My mantra

Since Pete's been gone, I've found the only way to survive and at times thrive is to just lower expectations. I cook far less because leftovers go much further or friends/family invite us over. I clean up the toys less often because as long as the boys are happy, I'm happy. Laundry happens less often due to less clothes needing to be washed. And being summer, I'm trying not to over-schedule and just enjoy the relaxed and flexible schedule. 

Every now and then, a little voice creeps in that tells me I should be doing more or doing better, but then I saw this quote...
And I realized I'm doing enough and I'm doing well.

In other awesome news... Pete gets to visit this week! He comes in Thursday night and will take the red-eye home on Sunday night. We are overjoyed. When I told Parker that daddy was coming home to visit he said, "I didn't even THINK about him ever coming home!"


  1. I love that quote! Have a wonderful visit with your sweetheart!

  2. We are excited Pete gets to visit! But our Independence Day party just lost some pizzazz.

  3. aw good for you for taking things a little slower. you are superwoman i think! i'm so happy for the boys that they get to have daddy visit!
