Friday, July 18, 2014

Coronado beach day

Parker is hilarious. His new way of breaking bad news to me is to say, "Mom, I have good news and I have bad news..." Usually the good news is that he loves me, but then the bad news varies. Haha. Good way to prep me for the news. 

Saturday morning we went to Coronado with Ryan and Chloe. I wanted to rent a surrey... so we all crammed on a one bench surrey. As it turns out, those things are hard to pedal. Good thing long-legged Ryan and Chloe were there. Ryan claimed I wasn't pulling my weight, but c'mon, my legs are half the length of theirs! Still it was fun... for half an hour. 

 And Duncan visited church. He moved to Hawaii last summer with his family. The boys adore Duncan!


  1. I like that picture with your hair blowing in the wind. It looks like Ryan took the picture and Chloe was holding a fan.

  2. Parker is such a smartie, prefacing his bad news that way! Love it!
