Saturday, July 12, 2014

Odds and Ends

We went up to visit my grandparents last week. We didn't get any pics with Gran and Grandaddy on my phone, but we did stop by Grandpa Lieber's (where the kids were super crazy and we left very quickly). 
 We also did some swimming at the apt last week. The boys are so funny because of how different they are. Parker is very active and splashy in the pool, while Austin glides around like a little swan. haha.
 This face... I say that every time, but it's true. Is he just the cutest kid? And he's seeming so old lately.
When Pete called on the phone after leaving, he said very clearly, "Oh, I talk to Daddy. Hi Daddy. How Navy training? Go on big airplane?" When Pete was home and would go get him from his bed in the morning, he would greet him with, "Hi Daddy! Captain America? Wrestling Daddy? Play dragon ball daddy?" He is babbling nonstop stream of conciousness. Anything that comes to his mind he just says and the topics can be totally unrelated. Hilarious.

1 comment:

  1. I love hearing about all of the cute things Austin says!!
