Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Kids say the cutest things

A few quotes to remember:

I was carrying Austin upstairs to bed and said, "Wow Austin, you're getting really heavy." "Yup Mama I am. I am almost a Dad!" (He also said he wants 5 kids... all boys!)

Parker says school is boring. "You have to raise your hand all the time."

"Austin, what is your favorite part of school?" "When I'm on the playground riding the horse... ALONE!" (He likes his alone time).

"Parker, how was the bus?" "Terrible. It was too bumpy."

Austin was repeatedly asking me for something, that I was already in the process of getting him. Then Parker said, "Austin, she's getting it. Mom's always listen'."

For pickup at preschool, you have the option of walking in to get your child or you can wait in a drive-thru pickup line. With Parker, driving through was always more convenient (and if you go inside you don't even have a chance to talk to the teacher anyway, so there's no big loss staying in your car). So I picked up Austin in the car for the first time today and it was a much different experience. What happens is they have a list of the children in order of the cars that are picking up, so as you get to the front of the line, your child comes walking out to the sidewalk to meet some teachers who get them in the car. But they walk independently from the building to the sidewalk to meet the adults. So I get to the front of the line and wait for Austin to emerge and ever soooo slowly, he comes sauntering out. He was literally moving so slowly I didn't even know it was possible. And I see every teacher beckoning and encouraging him with their arms to "come on!". It took so long for him to make it to the car. They may ban us from the pick up line at this rate.

We have had to wake Parker up in the morning since school started. Our typically early riser has decided that his body does not want to naturally wake before 7am anymore. Strange. Anyway, I was doing the waking and he would always get mad at me, so yesterday I sent Pete in. Pete gently nudged him and said, "Parker, are you ready to get up?" Parker rolls over and grumpily says, "You know I don't have a choice."

Austin is a master manipulator. He is rarely his authentic self. He's either sickeningly sweet and complimentary or he's a pouty grump. When I picked him up from school he was carrying a great piece of art he'd made. I complimented him on it and he says with a fake grin, "I know it's so beautiful, just like you're so beautiful!"

And Jackson is cooing back and forth with us now (9 weeks old), so that's a quote I definitely want to remember. :)

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