Monday, September 14, 2015


Since he went to Naval Justice School in Rhode Island last summer, Pete has become a runner. He was in training with several guys who already ran and he joined them in their marathon training. This is funny to me, because Pete has never been a runner. He played golf in high school for heavens sake:) Just kidding, kind of. He has always been athletic, but it is really only recently that his athleticism has really risen to a new level. Before he left for military training, he knew he'd have to run 1 1/2 miles, so he started "training" and would go out for runs and come back about 8 minutes later, reporting that he had run to the end of our apartment complex and back. Oh how far he's come.

So he decided to train for a marathon coming up in November, but since he's at about the 10 mile mark on his training schedule, he decided to do a 1/2 marathon to mix up his routine a bit and make it more fun.

Unfortunately, he had to pick us up from the airport at 3:30am the morning of the race, but he had a smile on his face and did great. We were there at mile 10 to cheer him on. It was such a fun atmosphere and it is truly remarkable to see all ages, shapes, and sizes running this distance. So inspiring!

As we were waiting for Pete, I was worried we'd miss him. I had a window of time he expected to be at 10 miles but it's a long course and A LOT of people! But thankfully, we saw him right away.

Don't the boys look supportive? 3 hours of sleep they've had, mind you.

 Look at that smile!

 We decided not to go to the finish line for logistics reasons, but I felt so bad when I heard that after the race (13.1 miles) he had to walk another good distance to a shuttle to take him back to his car. While he did great running, it was the walking afterwards that nearly did him in! He thought he couldn't take another step. Poor guy. But he did it! Now onto the marathon in Richmond!

Thankfully he had off the next day for Labor day, which helped him to get his energy back. He earned a reward meal of Buffalo Wild Wings. Sauce Boss is a joke, because we went to BWW one night with some of Pete's work friends to watch the USA soccer game and one of the guys was wearing a Sauce Boss crown. We then referred to him as "Sauce Boss" and now the boys think that's his real name. Whenever we have people over for dinner they ask, "Is Sauce Boss coming?"

So proud of my runner!

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