Tuesday, September 15, 2015

First days of school

This has been a LONG summer. Parker got out of preschool on May 22. School didn't start until Sept 8th. Like I said, LONGGGGG!!!! But the day finally arrived. Parker started Kindergarten, and it's only half day here, so it's not that much more demanding than his preschool schedule. Our neighborhood is slotted for AM Kinder, so the bus is scheduled to pick him up about 7:15am and then it drops him off about 11:20am. It's so early. He's typically an early riser, but given that we are still somewhat on CA time, it's been rough getting up and at 'em in the morning. Plus, he was nervous to ride the bus, so I've been driving him to school, but he rides the bus home. The bus stop was supposed to be down the street, but when I saw that he was the only one getting off at that stop, I kindly asked if she wouldn't mind dropping him at our house just around the bend... she said she would and it has been awesome! Bless that lady. 

On the first day he was very nervous about being in a much bigger school. He was worried he wouldn't know where to go. I don't blame him. So I dropped him off in the cafeteria where the kids were congregating and introduced myself to his teacher (who wasn't quite as friendly back, eh hem), and then left with tears in my eyes. I was shocked to be emotional about this. Did I mention it was a LONGGG summer? And Parker loves school and is very social. School is a great thing for him and I both. We like each other a lot once we've been apart a few hours:) 

How cute is he?

 I just said a little prayer that he would like his teacher and that he wouldn't feel overwhelmed by the size of the school. He got off the bus happy that first day, though he said it was boring. But going from a developmental preschool focusing mostly on social skills and limited academics, this is a pretty big shift. But I think once he gets used to it, he'll like the higher expectations and the learning. It's going to be great!

And then there's Austin... Parker and Austin are very different. Parker is outgoing and friendly, and makes new friends everywhere he goes. Austin likes Parker, but that's about it. If he's not playing with Parker, he plays by himself. Which is fine, but let's just say we are excited to have him in a preschool setting (3 mornings a week):) He was not excited to be left there. He had picked out his snack, his lunchbox, his clothes... but as we loaded in the car, nothing was right and he started taking his clothes off and throwing his lunchbox. haha.

But just like nursery at church, I knew that once he settled in and got comfortable in this new environment, he'd be fine. And we had previously met his teacher Mrs. Noel, and she is wonderful! He was in good hands. So I managed to get him into the classroom and she helped him to separate.
 Then Parker came home and we headed to the preschool to get little brother. (Parker loves his new backpack).
 And this was the face I saw... he loved it. He was proud of his lunchbox, earned two stamps on his hand for good listening, pottied himself (halleluia... literally after 6 months of trying to potty train, he decided in San Diego that he was ready and he just did it. He told us when he needed to go (#1 and #2) and he has had one accident since. That's it! Miracle of miracles!).
 These boys love discussing their classes, though we have no idea what Austin is talking about most of the time. But they sure are cute.

 And I love that i get some quality time with this little nugget three mornings a week.
 Here he is waiting for Parker at the bus stop (before they came to our house).
 Austin made these crafts on 9/11. They celebrated America and sent a very nice note home to the parents who serve in the military. I found that very touching.

Looking forward to a GREAT school year!

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