Sunday, May 25, 2014

Parker Birthday Questions

I forgot to ask Parker his yearly birthday questions. Also some stats from when he turned 4: 
Height: 3 ft 4 inches          Weight: 34 lbs 6 oz              About the 37% for his age. 

1. What is your favorite color? All, blue, purple, green, black, gray
2. What is your favorite toy? Dinosaurs. I roar with them.  (He loves playing trains, planes, and cars. He imagines all day long and plays so nicely with Austin). 
3. What is your favorite food? Cinnamon rolls (soooo random). I actually like strawberries too. 
4. What is your favorite tv show? Animal Mechanicals or Lego shows. Superhero shows. 
5. What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch? Cereal. Oatmeal squares and cheerios. And french fries with ketchup. I do NOT like cucumbers... but I think that's the wrong answer.  
6. What is your favorite outfit? Planes and shorts I'm already wearing (soccer shorts).  
7. What is your favorite game? I don't play any games. I do play angry birds on my Ipad. 
8. What is your favorite snack? Fruit snacks
9. What is your favorite animal? Rhinosaurus and elephants and camels. I like rabbits. I do not like cavities or gophers. Gophers can totally bite you and they can chomp. 
10. What is your favorite song? Give me a second. I need a drink of water. 
11. What is your favorite book? Let me go see if I have a favorite book (goes into room to examine bookshelf). This Ninja Turtle book and this coloring book with stickers. 
12. Who is your best friend? Carter, Tucker
13. What is your favorite cereal? You already asked that one. I already told you. 
14. What is your favorite thing to do outside? My favorite thing to do outside is water the plants and spray with the sprayer. 
15. What is your favorite drink? ice water, lemonade
16. What is your favorite holiday? Ask me some tricky questions. Fine... my favorite holiday is Christmas, because I like Santa and getting presents. 
17. What do you like to take to bed with you at night? I always sleep with my blanket and can you get what else? This toy! (shows random Mcdonald's toy). 
18. What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast? Donuts, pancakes, bacon. 
19. What do you want for dinner on your birthday? Ask me about presents on my birthday. Is Chick Fil A a restaurant I can eat at?  
20. What do you want to be when you grow up? You remember don't you? I told the guys at the firestation. I will give you a hint... it's something that flies in the sky and something that has helmets. An astronaut. After that I am going to be a fire fighter and then when I'm big I will be chef at Chick Fil A. I also want to sell toys and be a shopkeeper. 

1 comment:

  1. OMG. chef at chic-fil-a is about the cutest thing I've ever heard. Also don't mind me stalking your blog during my middle of the night pumping sesh...
