Friday, November 1, 2013


Oh Halloween is fun with kids. We've had Halloween events since the 12th of October, so we've really milked the costumes and the fun! On Friday night we went to Pete's work for a Halloween party. Then yesterday Parker had a little party at school. After school, I took the boys to Papa's work where they were all carving pumpkins. We hadn't done a pumpkin yet so this was a great way to get in the experience, without doing it on my carpet:) The boys were really into it and while Parker was scooping the seeds out, Austin was dumping them back in. Hilarious.

 After naptime, we went over to a shopping center that was handing out candy. Big mistake. Super crowded and most of the stores had already run out of goodies. It was fun to see the costumes, but that's about it. Won't do that again. Nothing like Ann Arbor downtown trick or treating!

Then we went to my folks for dinner and trick or treating around their neighborhood. We are trying to clean up our diets around here (I know... perfect time at the holidays), but we want to see how diet impacts Parker's behavior. That's for another post, but he's been especially challenging lately. Anyway, my parent's neighborhood is low key enough where we aren't competing with herds of people and we only did about 10 houses. Perfect.

Parker loved dressing up as a knight. He told one lady, "I'm a knight in shining armor."
 And Mickey Mouse. He loved this costume... and so did we. He got really into saying "Candeeeeeeee" and "Tank you!" Very cute.

 Ryan and Chloe went around with us.
 Chloe is really amazing with Parker and let him help her make a chocolate cake. Very fancy!
Happy Halloween. Saw some other pics of darling kiddos in costume. So much fun!

1 comment:

  1. That's the way to carve pumpkins! I love their costumes! Knight in shining armor haha and the Mickey is adorable!!!!
