Friday, August 9, 2013

"I'm sick"

If I had a nickel for every time Parker used the phrase, "I'm sick...", I would be a millionaire! Every time Parker gets in trouble I hear, "I'm sick." Every time he's tired it's, "I'm sick." Every time there's a lull in conversation he laments, "I'm sick." It's getting really old! Plus is makes it difficult when he is actually sick, to know when he's crying wolf or not. Example, a month or so ago we were driving and he said he was sick. He said his throat hurt and he was whining. Pretty typical. Then all of a sudden he starts puking everywhere. I guess he WAS sick... whoops! 

Anyway, the other day I was putting him to bed for naptime and he said, "Mama, I'm sick. And I'm tired. I'm sick and tired." That kid!

Another day he was about to get in the bath, and he had his arms full of toys that were going to join him in the tub. Some toys were better suited for water than others, so I said, "Parker, that car can't go in the tub. It will get ruined." His response, "NO IT WONTTTTTTTT!!!!! Wait, what does ruined mean?" "It means broken or it won't work anymore." "Oh, got it." And then he calmly put the toy down and gave me a thumbs up. 

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