Thursday, April 4, 2013

Spring break

Though Parker is not in preschool for very many hours, when we have days off school, it really makes a difference in our schedule. We loved having more flexibility and had a lot of fun last week. But I am really looking forward to him returning to school tomorrow:)

Some fun things we did last week...

Went to dinner with Daddy out by his work. He's been working very long hours and it's nice when we get a chance to see him. Sometimes the boys will go a few days without seeing him. 
 We got to play with friends. Carter and Park are such good buddies.
 Sadie's mom planned a preschool class egg hunt at the park. Parker was really into it... but more into the powdered sugar donuts she brought to snack on. Hence the white lips.

 Sea World was offering a free preschool pass for the little ones, so we decided to take advantage of his free year long pass and I bought myself one. There is a baby Shamu right now that is so cute swimming around with his mama. Parker loved it.
 Our Legoland passes ended last week and we used them on the very last day they were valid. Worth it... we had so much fun and got to ride Parker's favorite boat ride again and again. He loves it because it features the Big Bad Wolf.

 Austin is smiley as ever. Love this one.
 Parker is such a crack up.


  1. I am so jealous of all the fun things you have to do around u! Fun!

  2. I am still in denial over how much work Rob will be doing next year. It's giving me anxiety over how to survive with Logan alone all day, especially when you tell me that your boys go days without seeing their daddy at times. Ah!
