Thursday, April 18, 2013


Overall, Parker is a delightful, precocious child. He is very smart and says the funniest things all the time. He is constantly making us smile. HOWEVER... he can also be very challenging as he tries to exert power in every situation. Today, he had many meltdowns and tantrums before 10am. I didn't know if I was going to make it until naptime. So when 12:30 rolled around and I was eagerly starting the nap routine, I could feel that he wasn't going to go down willingly. I got him in bed, but then he kept getting out. I put him back many, many times (an hour's worth) and eventually I just shut his door and pretending like he was in bed. I heard him moving some toys, but as long as he was staying in his room, fine. I go in to check after an hour and a half, and he's finally surrendered in his bed with half his toys in bed with him and half strewn around the room. Well... at least he was asleep! I won...:)
 Then Austin woke up before Parker, and he crawled straight into his room to check on his brother. He was shaking the pack n play trying to wake him, but it didn't work.
 Then Aussie enjoyed playing sibling free with the all the toys for about 45 minutes. We had a great time. He also liked helping me fold laundry.

1 comment:

  1. I wish nap time could last forever, or at least until they go to school 5 times a week instead :)
