Saturday, April 6, 2013

Amber beads and other witchcraft

My friend asked me the other day if I needed a witchcraft intervention:) Austin has been teething for a while now and the drool is out of control. His shirt is matted to his chest. It's pretty gross. So I heard about these amber bead necklaces, that are supposed to help with the teething process. My mom was talking to someone at the park who's child had one, and she swore that it reduced drool and crankiness. I figured it was worth a shot. Well, when I described it to Pete, I told him it would be concealed under his shirt. It was surprised when I showed him a pic the other day and the necklace was clearly exposed! However, many of said he looks like a cool surfer dud, or a Backstreet Boy circa 1996. Anyway, I haven't noticed a difference yet, but I'm going to give it some time. 

 I give Parker all his haircuts and I really have no idea what I am doing. So I am never sure how it's going to turn out. Usually I don't botch it, but there is definitely unevenness. Anyway, yesterday I did some of my best work. It looks seemingly even and can be style in a part or looks cute with bead head. Here he is with his new do and ceremonial post- haircut lollipop.

1 comment:

  1. Your boys are so handsome!
    I have heard wonderful things about those amber necklaces. I have friends who swear by them. I was so tempted to get one but, as you know, it was not an agreed upon purchase :) I hope it kicks in for poor Austin soon! Parker's haircut looks great! I make Rob cut Logan's hair. He would not be seen in public if I did it.
