Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Reflective day...

Sometimes we get so caught up in the day to day, and then dreaming about the future, that we don't have time to sit back and reflect on the past. Since returning to live where I grew up, I have recently become very nostalgic about my childhood and teenage years. I have stayed in contact with many of my childhood friends, and it's neat to see where life has taken us. I have had some of the same friends for 20 years. One of those friends just had their mom pass away. It was very sudden and very sad. My heart aches for her family, especially since she never got to meet her newest grandson. Today was her funeral. As sad as the loss is, it was also a special time to see friends I hadn't seen in a long time, reminisce about old times, and laugh about the good times and memories had with my friend's mom. At the funeral, all four of her children stoically spoke about their mom. They told funny stories and remarked about her energetic personality and impactful life. The Spirit was very strong as they all talked about her love of the Lord, and a girl she mentored during her ministry work in Romania sang Amazing Grace. Wow. What peace and hope that song offers those who are left behind to mourn this loss.

Additionally, I feel like lately I have been made aware of many other trials in the lives of my friends, and I am humbled. I feel so fortunate by my own good health and that of my children and family. I feel fortunate to believe whole heartedly in the hope offered so freely to us by the Savior. I just read a book written by a family friend who received a double lung transplant by living donors. I was blown away by the strength of the girl, the love of her parents and siblings, and the selflessness of the donors. I would definitely recommend the book ("My Heroes Ask Wallflowers to Dance" by Jennifer Sabin Sattley... I got it off Amazon). I think it's important to acknowledge that your own struggles are valid and meaningful, but it never hurts to get a dose of perspective and inspiration from someone that has overcome the unfathomable.

Anyway... I feel like it was a heavy but inspiring day. Going to a funeral makes you think what you would hope people would say at your own. And as I reflect on those values and actions I most want to be remembered for, I realize how pivotal it is to use my time wisely each day and exude the joy and love that I want to define my life.

PS... on a much different note... there's a mouse in my house. It's been there for about 4 days now and it has not be found or trapped. I'm completely freaked out. Gross.

1 comment:

  1. It really is a great book. I recommend it.
    Hope you find the mouse soon. Yuck!
