Thursday, April 11, 2013

Parker quotes

I've said it before and I'll say it again. Parker is hilarious. You never know what he's going to say, but you can bet he is always saying SOMETHING! 

We went to the Wild Animal Park the other day when the boys woke up early from their nap and it was a really pleasant afternoon. Parker sat in this egg and said, "Look! I'm hatching!"
 Austin is so cute. He generally a very happy guy, but has become much more aware of what he wants lately, which has made him a lot more ornery. But when he gets what he wants, he's a little angel:) Currently we're trying to figure out the nap situation, as he's not been going down easily for the afternoon. One day he was crying and Parker said, "Don't worry Austin. Don't be scared. There's no animals in your room. Or white guys, or black guys..." WHAAAAAA?????

 We also got him a big boy seat and flipped him around. He yells, Mama mama mama, the whole time I'm driving now that he can see me.
 We have been going to an awesome music class with my old voice teacher. It's a dream to now have my boys hearing her singing voice and learning from her like I did.
We got a cd from the class, which Parker loves, and when we were driving home he said, "Mama, when I was a little girl I LOVED this song."

Parker loves preschool. He told me yesterday, "Mama, all the girls love me because I'm so funny." One mom told me her daughter said, "I want to have real babies with Parker."

Knock on wood, Parker is potty trained. #2 is still not happening in the potty, but he goes in his diaper first thing in the morning without fail. He has had NO wet undies. I'm pretty proud of him, especially since now we are out and about and he still tells me when he has to go. Except he says, "Mama, I'm going potty!" We're trying to change that to "I need to go potty" but I'll take what I can get. Good work Parker!


  1. I just read this out loud to richard. So funny!

  2. This blog really made us laugh!! Parker is funny. Austin will be chiming in more as he learns more words.
