Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Gonda visit

Since the cousins moved to Texas, around the same time we moved to Virginia, we haven't seen them. It's been almost a year! I can't believe how the time has flown by. We were so excited when Denise and Lexey planned to pay us a visit. But of course, exciting things never go quite as planned. The morning we had planned to drive out to meet our new niece (Baby Madison) and the Gonda's in Charlottesville, Austin came down with flu-like symptoms. It's always hard to know how these bugs are going to play out, and I was hopeful it would be short-lived. 
 Thankfully, Pete was still able to drive out with Parker, so they cousins could spend time together. Lex and Parker are two years apart. They had a great time, while I tended to barfy, fevery Austin. Poor boy was so sick. By the afternoon, he seemed a bit better, so I gave them the go ahead to head back here. Of course as soon as I said that, he got worse again.

Nonetheless, Denise and Lex spent the next few days at our house, and I just kept sanitizing and quarantining Austin. Thankfully, no one else got sick. And Lex and Park had the best time. Denise is amazing and goes the the flow, and took the kids out to avoid further contamination.

The bagel shop...
 My view for about 5 days.
 We did get to visit Pete at work and he gave us the narrated tour of the Base. They loved seeing his uniforms. One night he tried all of them on for us, and Parker was especially proud of each new uniform.

 This pic is from the visit to Charlottesville. Seeing Lance was another highlight for Parker.
 Playing at the mall...
 Notice we didn't let Austin touch anyone in the final group photo...
We are so glad they were able to come visit, but sorry we didn't get to do more with them. As we speak, they are in route making the move back to San Diego. I'm so jealous, but after 16 years of medical training, they are definitely deserving of the awesome job Dave is about to start.

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