Monday, March 7, 2016

Mish Mosh of life

Parker's school does not prioritize outside recess. It's a travesty. He has not had outside recess since the second day of school... no joke. Instead they do structured indoor recess involving learning choreography to the hits on the radio. haha. It's pretty funny when he comes home doing the "Whip and Nae Nae" but still I feel like these kids need to go outside and RUN! 

So the school Fun Run was coming up and we've had some pretty good weather lately. It looked like the kids were finally going to get the chance to get outside. But then of course, the morning of it is POURING rain, and the Fun Run was held in the cafeteria. Parker treated it like a race and basically sprinted the whole time for 25 min. Crazy boy. 
 Oh my little love bug... this kid could not be more charming. He's 8 months on Sunday. Stop!!!!

 Went to the VA Aquarium and it was totally amazing. It's so fascinating to watch sea creatures.
 Birthday for Parker meant lots of Lego building for me. He kept telling me what a great job I was doing. That almost made up for the hours and hours I put into the Star Wars ship!
 Hello Lumber-Jackson.

 Parker wanted to go to Texas Roadhouse for his b'day. He was so excited to get up on the saddle when they acknowledge your birthday. But he was confused at first and when he first sat down at the table, asked the waitress, "It's my birthday... can I have the saddle please?" He thought he'd literally sit there the whole time. He loved the attention. Austin on the other hand does NOT want to do that for his bday.

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