Saturday, February 28, 2015

To my boys...

Dear boys,

First, let me say how much I always wanted to be a mom. When the time was right, I prayed and prayed that God would gift me with a child. It took longer than expected and it weighed heavy upon me after so many negative pregnancy tests. But when that time WAS finally right, I received the most special gift of a baby boy. Being my first, I just hoped for a healthy baby. Boy or girl, it didn't matter. I always tell Parker, "Before you were born I hoped and prayed for a baby, and God gave me you. You were the one that belonged in our family." (He likes hearing that:))

Then we were ready for Baby #2 and this time, our timing was more in line with God's because we did not have the same tumultuous waiting game. When we found out it was another boy, I was surprised, but pleased. We celebrated with a cake that I tinted blue (though I didn't use enough food coloring and it ended up kind of green). Pete asked if we were having a boy or a Shrek baby.

While the boys were both young, they were sweet to each other, but overall kind of indifferent. I hoped with all my might that when they grew older that they would be friends. After all, having kids 2 years apart is no walk in the park... there had to be a pay out somewhere!

And my dream came true. When Austin was about 18 months and parker was 3 1/2, things started to click. They began playing together, talking together, sharing, caring... they were best friends. Not to say that there weren't the normal sibling squabbles, tattling, shoving, and name calling... we had our share. But I could see them developing a bond that would last them a lifetime. I could picture them in 5 years seeing each other on the playground at school and high-fiving. I could picture 10 years from now riding bikes to school together. I could picture 15 years from now Parker driving Austin to high school. I could picture them being each other's Best Man at their weddings. Even as they sat imagining with superhero characters and playing Legos in their room, I could picture they life that they would share. And it made my heart glad.

There's no "right time" to have #3, because once you do, you are admitting that you are ready to become outnumbered. Two kids, two parents... golden. Three kids and there just aren't enough arms, laps, etc... But even with that fear of child takeover, we wanted another child in our family. The child that will likely make our family complete. Again, I guess we timed it right because we were blessed quickly. I wondered what this third child would add to our family. What would the gender be and how would that affect the dynamics in our house? I felt confident that no matter what, that THIS was the baby that was meant to be with us.

As I laid on the table, with my two boys by my side, they were fascinated by the ultrasound. Parker could not get over we were actually watching our baby wiggle around. Austin thought it looked like a doggy. He kept saying, "Awe... it's such a cute little creature." Then the technician said, "Ok, I got a glimpse... I know what you're having. It's a boy! You're getting another brother." Parker responded, "But where's my sister?" Obviously he had his preference. But once it sunk in that another boy was indeed joining our family, he hasn't looked back.

Many people have expected me to be disappointed that it was not a girl. Before we found out, many commented about how maybe this time I was "finally going to get my girl." But in all honesty, because of the relationship that Parker and Austin have, I could not be more thrilled to add another member to their club. They are going to be such awesome brothers to this little guy... he's going to be one lucky boy! It's unfortunate that boys get a bad rap, just because we can't dress them up in frills and place larger than life bows on their heads. Girls are great, but boys are awesome too! There is nothing sweeter than your son cuddling up with you on the couch or looking at you sincerely in a moment when you've actually put makeup on and said, "You look beautiful." I take pride in raising sons of strong character and values. I want my sons to be the ones you want your daughters to date:)

So, meet the Dahlquists... Pete, Jessica, and three BOYS!

Boys, you are gifts to your Dad and me. We love every bit of who you are and who you are becoming. We get glimpses of your talents and mindsets and we are so proud. You are capable of great things and when you use your time doing things that are good and kind, you are becoming more and more of the person God wants you to be. That's all we could ever want for you. We will always be here for you when you are happy, when you are sad, when you have questions, or when you need a hug. But remember, you also have each other. Try every day to show love and kindness to your brothers, because they will end up being your very best friends. No matter where we live, no matter how old you are, you will always have each other to lean on. You three are the exact three boys that were meant for our family.

We can't wait to meet you baby boy #3. Get excited... you have two awesome brothers waiting to wrestle with you!

Love, Mama


  1. That is beautiful! Three lucky boys you will have! And I couldn't agree more with all you said. Your boys will grow up to be kind, gentle, strong, disciplined, and with love and respect for their mama (and dad!). What an awesome family you are building!

  2. What lucky boys! And I totally get being excited about three boys! If we have another I think I'd feel the same!! Those boys are going to love each other so much! Ps he looks cute 3ven in the ultrasound!

  3. Congrats! Three boys is a wonderful gift! You have so many great adventures ahead of you. Loved your post. What a treasure for all three boys to read when they're older.

  4. Great post! How fun that you took the boys to the ultrasound!

  5. Great post! How fun that you took the boys to the ultrasound!

  6. Also too bad my daughters can't date your boys. They are awesome! The world needs more mom's raising great boys

  7. Also too bad my daughters can't date your boys. They are awesome! The world needs more mom's raising great boys

  8. Beautifully written. I feel like no matter what gender you have there is always a little sadness at not getting the other. I was SO excited to have a girl but was bummed that Liam wouldn't get a brother. I get so many people telling me how lucky I am to have a boy and a girl and a lot of people assume that we should be "done" because of it. It's just funny what people say. While I love having a boy and girl, I may never have the opportunity to have two of the same gender close in age. And that's something that is special and fun and something that I am envious of at times. But no matter what, at the end of the day. your children are the ones who are meant to come to your family and it will be perfect. Three darling boys. So fun. My sister-in-law is having her third boy as well. Congratulations! I am so happy for you and wish you all the best in this pregnancy.

  9. Wonderful!!! So excited for you. :)
