Thursday, June 5, 2014

Last day of school!

Like I said before, we love our after-school playtime. Sadie always come prepared with snacks, which wins over Austin every time. Last week she brought popcorn and the first time she handed some to Austin, he started spontaneously doing the bum shake dance that he is well known for. I tried to get him to do it again, but of course there's nothing like the first time.
Today is the last day of school. This year has flown by and has been such a good one. I remember being in tears at the first parent teacher conference. Yes, it was with my mom and she wasn't telling me anything horrible or anything I didn't already know, but it was stressful as Parker was going through a very challenging time. He was so active that it was preventing him from being a listener, controlling his impulses, and basically everyday we were really butting heads. I knew it had a lot to do with maturity, but we also started having him monitored for ADHD. While he still an extreme child, I am so thankful for the progress he has made. He is much more in tune with his body and brain, and much more able to control himself. We still struggle, but we are functional now:) He is a leader in the class and a good friend. He had great compassion for others and is always enthusiastic. I love his personality and I'm so proud of his accomplishments this year. Mrs. Lieber (aka Grammy) has been so amazing, and it's no wonder all the children and parents love her. She has such a great way with the children and there is just a good feel in the classroom. The children look forward to coming to school and miss her on the off days. Her assistants were wonderful as well.

My mom works tirelessly on each child's "Notebook." It's basically a scrapbook of the year with art samples, pictures, songs, etc... It's amazing and I can't believe I finally have one of my child!!!! It'll be a fun summer but we will definitely miss Mrs. Lieber's class!


  1. I'm so glad you have been able to figure out some things that are working for Parker. ADHD can be tough for an adult, so I'm sure it is so hard with a little one! That scrapbook sounds awesome! Your mom sounds like the best!!!

  2. Awww, thanks Jess! I have loved every minute with Parker. A dream come true!
