Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Patriotic mojo

Between Pete leaving for the Navy and all the patriotic Wee Sing songs, we have definitely been in an "all American" mood around here. Every time Austin sees a flag, he starts singing, "Oh I love America..."
Here's Pete in his whites on Memorial Day. He marched in a parade:)
 Kids Sing sang at an event for the Veteran's.
 The boys got Navy shirts from Daddy.

 Pete in Rhode Island. He saids ODS is going well. The first half was a lot more stressful, but now the schedule is a lot less grueling and they have a lot more freetime. The training is much less intense that a traditional bootcamp or even Officer Candidate school (OCS), but he still has to do physical fitness training, fire school, and other traditional trainings. I guess that if even he ends up on an air craft carrier, every sailor needs to be able to depend upon each other and they all need this kind of speciality training. He graduates next Friday and then heads to Norfolk, where I will meet him!!!! whoo hoo! I even got my ticket changed and I get to stay one day longer because it turns out he doesn't have to work much that first week. And when I explained our military situation of being apart for so long, they waived the change fee! Whoo hoo! (annoyed by my whoo hoos yet?)
 The base gym.
 Denise and I went to an awesome concert on Saturday night. OCMCO is an Orange County choir that is spectacular. It is so amazing that several people from San Diego commute there for weekly rehearsals. The entire show was patriotic music and it was so inspiring. They had all age choirs, including an age 4-6 group. So darling. My favorite song was the opener, "How Great Thou Art." I'm so glad we got to go.
 Amazing theater. We were in nearly the last row of the concert hall, but it was still awesome.
 Aussie in his Navy jammies.

 We Skyped with Pete for Family Home Evening last night. He was in the gym and was singing along with us. Here he is doing "Popcorn Popping." A few people stopped to ask what he was doing. haha.
Can't wait to see Pete next week, and thankful to my folks for watching the boys. We have a lot to look forward to!

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