Monday, February 10, 2014

Workout buddy

Capturing sweet moments on video goes like this:

1. Oh, he's so cute. I need to record this.
2. Go get camera.
3. Austin follows me to get camera, thus stopping what he was doing that was so cute.
4. "Okay Austin, do that thing again... dance again... sing again... do that thing with your eyes again..."
5. Force him into whatever position he was previously in and start mimicking what I want him to do. 
6. Record and get what you can.

So he often joins me in my morning workouts. Sometimes it's cute, sometimes he's just in the way, but I like to see him watching me and participating because I know I'm setting a healthy example for him.

Anyway, this morning he was super cute and doing everything I was doing beside me. Except, he was eating a sandwich while doing the moves. 

1 comment:

  1. So cute! HA ha and that is totally how recording things works!!!
