Friday, February 7, 2014

The flood

Last year around this time, I accidently flooded our bathroom by leaving the faucet running. This time... it was NOT MY FAULT! When we discovered water on the carpet by the bathroom, we figured the boys had dumped a cup. But it was a lot of water. The next day I called maintenance apologizing for the boys' mistake. They pulled up padding and added fans. Two days later when they came to replace padding, they were surprised everything was still wet. Several holes and some removal of dry-wall later, they found a big leak in a pipe going into the foundation. The leak ran from our bathroom into the kitchen. Whoops. So they informed us it would be quite a job, and we'd be put up in a hotel for the next week. Plus, we would get a $100/day food stipend. Uh what? Mandatory staycation that they are paying for? No problem. The hotel was just down the street and had two rooms, like we have now. It was lovely, had a full kitchen, breakfast provided... heaven. Unfortunately they didn't tarp any of the construction so we came back to a very DUSTY, dirty house... but other than that I can't complain. It's nice to be home, but it was a fun week away. Except that for some reason there's still some water on the carpet so we have a fan running currently.

This was the first day...
Parker was pretty excited to be there. And he slept great in his queen size bed.
The toys Parker just HAD to bring. I think they all made it back with us.

We went to the aviation museum one day. The guys were in planes heaven. 
 Pete and I enjoying our stipend at Brigantine for a date night. Best steak ever.
 And the next night at Cheesecake Factory. Spoiled rotten. Cheesecake? Don't mind if I do.

Daily breakfast at the hotel. My boys love a buffet. Except the fruit loops were so tempting every morning, and the sugar/food coloring simply puts Parker over the edge. He ended up being very mature about not having any after those first two days of difficult behavior. 
 Goodbye hotel. Parker said he never wanted to go back to our apartment. I will miss having someone cleanup after me each day. I guess that's how the boys feel everyday at home:)

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