Saturday, February 1, 2014

Creative kids...

Some moms don't mind when their kids get messy. I totally get how they are "exploring" and it's developmentally appropriate for kids to get messy as a means of learning... but... I have issues just letting go. I see how much fun they have when they are uninhibited in their play, but it's still hard to enjoy the moment when all I picture is the cleanup! Parker has a grand old time getting messy at preschool, but thankfully he is typically returned to me pretty cleaned up. Thank you preschool teachers (aka... Grammy). 

On this particular day when I decided it was a home day, I let the boys play and get messy with abandon. What started as watercoloring on paper ended up as tribal paint on their faces. 
 That same day I received two sets of Olliblocks in the mail. These things are awesome. I'm all for durable toys that don't make noise. A high school friend designed them and fundraised in order to have them manufactured in China. Because I was a company contributor, I received some of the first shipment of blocks. They have pictures on every side of the block of different segments of the body (either human, animal, robot, whatever... ) and you mix and match the blocks. So imaginative. Parker was really into it.
 So was Aussie.

The boys have also been really into trains lately. We were handed-down an awesome track set. They love this thing.

I'm so thankful for Parker's opportunity to go to my mom's preschool this year. It's been so great and I'm so thankful he looks forward to going each day (T/Th). I got to observe the class in chapel (Park is to the right of the kid in orange shirt). They sing, hear a message... it's fun and age appropriate. Austin wants to be up with the kids so badly! 

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