Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Get what you get

"Mama, I want to have a baby sister in our family when I'm five." "Well, that's sounds like a pretty good time to add another baby in our family. Maybe we can do that. But we don't get to choose if it's a boy or a girl. God just gives us what He wants to give us." "Oh, like 'you get what you get and you don't throw a fit?'"

(A preschool expression usually applying to not arguing when you get a pink scarf instead of a green one, or something like that).

Another application of that expression... Parker's been watching some cartoons that have some villains that cause him to act out with extra angst and anger lately. I told him I don't want him watching those shows anymore. Well, he goes to watch Netflix and the most recent show pops up and it happens to be one of the no-no shows. I tell him to change it, and he replies, "It just came on mom, and you get what you get and you don't throw a fit."

1 comment:

  1. HAHA the netflix story! Sounds familiar.... I make my kids watch Pinky Dinky Doo when I think they are being too snappish with each other because of netflix shows. If only I could filter out anything that airs on cartoon network so I don't have to argue with them every time they ask! =)
