Friday, July 19, 2013

Sweet friends

While we have been enjoying the flexibility that comes with the summer schedule, we have also been missing some of our good friends. Parker and Sadie were best buds during the school year, and we finally got together for a playdate. So fun. It was the first time we've had a friend come over, while her mom left to run errands. Such big kids!
 Austin loves wearing hats. Especially hats that belong to others and are too large for his head:) And he wanted a bath... gangsters need baths too.
 Parker was leading a music class for Austin. He was saying, "I'm Miss Kara, let's sing after me."

Parker's prayers lately have included:
"Please let me have good dreams, only about ponies and sharks... nice sharks." 
"Bless me that I will make good choices and not fight with mama." 
"Bless that the water will stay cold and the ice won't melt."
"Bless that mama will tell me what we are going to do when I wake up." 
"Bless that we can have a donut when we wake up." 
"Bless Jesus cuz he died."
"Bless daddy that I like it when he is home with us." 

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