Thursday, July 18, 2013

Pizza making

We had an awesome morning out the other day, making our own pizzas at a local restaurant. They are so nice to open up before hours to host preschool/moms groups and let the kids make their own food and tour the kitchen. Parker had a lot of fun with his buddies. 

Unfortunately, Parker was in quite the mood yesterday, which made for a very long. It's like he just could not get control over his body. It was tantrum after tantrum and he goal appeared to be looking to find where he could do the most damage. I put myself in a two minute time out in order to keep myself from totally losing it and came back to find he had completely emptied the clothes from his drawers in his closet. Not pleased.

I thought the day would never end, but I'm thankful that we can sleep off a bad day and wake up with a new one. And even if today isn't perfect, it can't be any worse than yesterday! :) Here's to a good day.

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