Thursday, May 2, 2013

Visit from the Burtons

Some of our very best friends from Ann Arbor came to visit at the end of February, and due to pregnancy, Sarah just got around to blog about it:) So I finally got to steal some of her pictures. We first met Richard and Sarah at admitted students weekend at U of M, before we actually knew we were going there. By the end of the weekend, our minds were made up, and so were theirs. We knew we would be great friends since that weekend. During our time in Ann Arbor, we shared babies being born, law school journeys, recipe sharing, church activities, and play dates. Oh and Potbelly's lunches. Mmmm.... We love and miss our friends who now live in Connecticut. We were so glad when we heard they were coming out here for a wedding, and they squeezed in time for us TWICE in four short days. We felt pretty special. I love that the boys got to play together. Miles is so darling and I'm excited he'll be a big brother in the fall.

Parker and Miles... 9 months apart. Sarah said every time Miles sees an airplane now, he points to it and says Parker's name.

 Sarah and Miles. We went to our favorite park at the beach in Del Mar. Don't you want to move here, Sarah!

 Me and my boys.

1 comment:

  1. These pictures make me so happy. It's so fun to see friends reunited. We miss all of you guys! So glad for blogs that can keep us in touch!
