Wednesday, May 8, 2013

We've got a walker... almost

Walking is a funny thing, because while a child may develop the awareness to be able to take a few steps, they will typically still resort to the their go-to crawl for a while even after their first steps. Such is the case with Austin. He has been a stable-stander for weeks now, but no steps. Until yesterday... all of a sudden as he was in the standing position, he took three steps towards me. It was thrilling. Then he walked to Parker. And he will randomly choose to take a few steps to get to something he wants, but he  is still primarily a crawler. But here's a video of a few steps I was able to capture. As well as the moments just after his first steps when I was trying to bait him to do it for the camera.

And here he is waiting for Park to wait up... he loves his brother!

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