Sunday, October 28, 2012

Trunk or treat

We went to a trunk or treat at the church tonight. It was so much fun. We have costumes all planned for Halloween, but I was sad I wasn't going to get to have Austin wear the duck that Parker wore at this age. So I decided to switch it up tonight. So we have Parker as a Michigan football player, and Austin the duck. Quack!
 This pics are on our patio. Love it!
 Some very well decorated trunks. Parker had a lot of fun saying "trick or treat" and best of all, I was able to hide the bag of candy once we got home so we can ration it out overtime.
 Denise and Jo the cow. Love the animal theme we have going for our babies. Wow, she looks like Lexey in this pic.
 And the best picture of all. Uncle Dave in his Ohio State shirt with his favorite nephew:)


  1. Haha! Love the pic with Dave! And yes, Jo looks like Alexey in that pic! Cut pics of everyone! Love the patio shots!

  2. I love that duck costume! Was Parker ever really that small?
