Saturday, October 6, 2012


Austin got his first two bottom teeth at 5 1/2 months. I have yet to go back to see when Parker got his... but that seems young to me. Anyway, now he is almost 7 months and his top front teeth are already breaking through! Here's a little picture where you can amazingly see all "four" teeth. Another exciting thing... he's finally taking a bottle. I'm not sure what the deal is with my babies but neither Austin or Parker would take a bottle until they were much older. I have tried offering the bottle somewhat frequently with Austin but every time he had no clue what to do with it. Then just a few days ago, he figured it out! What a miracle! Now we do a small bottle and then nurse. It's great. I like having this option so I have a bit more flexibility and now that he's getting major teeth... we'll have to see how long I'll continue feeding him. I really do love bottle feeding. I love cuddling him and looking at him. It's so soothing to me, more so than nursing has ever been. Everyone is different. 

 And Mr. Parker loves his tie. Don't worry... he wore it with a shirt to church.
I've had the best evening. My folks were gone for the day and Pete took Parker to a football game again, so it was just me and the baby. Austin and I went elective shopping (a luxury these days). Usually we only shop with a purpose and we do so quickly. Tonight, I took him out and meandered around Old Navy and found some cute things. I've been working out a lot, so I felt like I earned a few tops :) Austin was so good and just giggled the whole time. It was so much fun. Then I came home and did some applications (I started my Michigan application reviewing job again) after he went to bed, then did some other stuff on my checklist. It's been peaceful and wonderful. Now I'm ready to see my Parker boy again. There was fireworks after the game tonight. I bet he loved it!

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