Thursday, October 4, 2012

Did he really just say that?

Parker is quite the precocious talker these days. He is excellent at repeating new words correctly, and then shocks us when he uses them correctly in a later context. He is a careful listener (though not when it comes to behaving and doing what we ask him to do), and cares about what is being said. When we say something he doesn't understand he just started responding, "Wait, what does _____ mean?" or "What? Say it again." Then he'll carefully listen and when he understands, he'll repeat it back.

Today, my dad called on the phone and Parker answered. "Hi Papa. We have a predicament. That mean a problem."He learned that one from Sesame Streets "word on the street" segment. Have you noticed Elmo's world is gone and has been replaced by Elmo the Musical? Not a big fan yet.

Parker is really enjoying school and has had a better time overall separating from me. Now he goes to school, preschool, and now the play area at the gym willingly. It's awesome. I'm so proud of him. There's still plenty we're working on though. He is extremely opinionated and he can't be made to do anything. That's why we aren't even attempting potty training yet. At this stage, it would be too big a struggle. Not worth it.

Austin is getting his top front teeth. I'll be so sad when they come in... that's the end of when they look like a real baby. But it's also the beginning of other exciting new stages. So it's also a happy time too. He's such a good baby and knows to just go with the flow. He continues to watch and react and enjoy Parker everyday.

One month until Pete starts working. And less than three weeks until we move into our new apartment. YEAH! Exciting things on the horizon.


  1. Parker is such a smart little guy! H's remarkable. Love him.

  2. I wish I could hear Parker and all the funny things he says. I wish he and Liam could still play together. They were always cute little friends. I'm so glad to hear that you're not attempting potty training either. Liam is so NOT ready but I feel like every kid his age is already trained. Liam screams NO when we even bring up going on the potty. That's going to be fun:) Looks like things are going good for you guys. I'm so glad!
