Friday, October 26, 2012

Preschool field trip

Pumpkin patch #2... this time with his preschool class. It was so much fun going on a field trip with Parker and his little friends. Of course he was wild and crazy... this boy can't help but run everywhere when he's in a big open area. But we all had a blast. 

Here's the pumpkin "lecture". This moment of stillness didn't last long. 
 This is his friend Sadie. She is as active as he is, so they are very well suited and pal around together al the time. They are so darling.

 Picking out his pumpkin. I ended up convincing him he really wanted a white pumpkin:)
Sadie and Parker... the scarecrows. I love a good head hole cutout!
 Hay ride with his main girl!
 Parker, Sadie, and Camille. Sweet little Camille goes home and tells her mom that "Parker is crazy!"
 Corn maze. How we made is through successfully I'll never know.
 Mr. Parker.
Such a fun (hot) day!

1 comment:

  1. I love how you convinced him to get a white pumpkin. I miss him!
