Sunday, November 1, 2015

Photo dump

Most of my pics with Jackson are taken in this chair after he eats. He's at his happiest then. 

 I had an emergency surgery last weekend, to remove a misplaced IUD (FYI... IUD's are supposed to be in the uterus but they CAN perforate through and become a floating object in your abdomen.) When we figured out the source of my pain after about a month of appointments, the object was on my hip bone. When I finally went to the ER to get some emergency attention, the xray showed it on my tailbone. It's not good to have a foreign object floating around inside you, so the doctor agreed that I should be admitted and I went in for surgery the following night. I wasn't in pain all the time, but I fasted for what ended up being about 36 hours, since they didn't know when the surgery would take place. That was rough. And I had to quickly try and get Jackson to take a bottle, since he'd been exclusively nursed up to that point. The bottle was hit and miss so I had to have people (friends and Pete) bring him to me in the hospital to feed. It was quite complicated. Thankfully, my parents were able to come out at a moment's notice and help me, since I wasn't going to be able to lift things heavier than Jackson for about a week or two. They have been so helpful and everyday I'm feeling better. Plus, we had a lot going on this week, so it was so fun having them be a part of our daily lives. I will try to not have another surgery just to get them out here again;) Can't wait to see them again at Christmas.
 Papa was on school dropoff/pickup duty for the first few days while I was unable to drive. The boys loved it. And picking up Austin with this spider-hat on one day was hilarious!
 Parker also had his Primary Program at church, so Papa went to see him give his little line and sing the songs.
 My little pumpkin:)

 Parker has had two soccer games for my folks to see. (I missed Parker's first goal this season while I was in the hospital... arghhh!)
 Parker's Kindergarten school photo.
 And the siding got replaced on our house. I thought it looked pretty good, but if the landlords want to upgrade... fine by me. It just made for two days of rough napping while they were pounding on the walls.

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