Sunday, November 15, 2015

Kids work

While I save the most precious and important creations of my kids, there is plenty that just has to get thrown away because the accumulation of paper can get out of control. So I've taken to photographing the work so that the memory can be saved for all time, but the paper doesn't have to be:)

Don't worry, Mom. This self-portrait by Austin is a keeper (even though I also photographed it). 

Austin's self-portrait at age 3 1/2
 Parker has been writing his feelings more lately. It's cool to see him progress in his written communication. Sometimes he will write Austin's name and this "x" it out when he's mad. This is a heart communicating that he made him sad.
 I found these papers the other day that the boys made for Father's Day. Not sure if they were previously documented.

 Parker's treasure map... "Not there", "Almost there", "There." haha.

1 comment:

  1. Lol, I sort of gasped that you might have thrown Austin's self portrait away! Whew!
