Thursday, October 22, 2015

Snippets of our day

What does life look like these days? 

I get up most days around 5am with this little bugger who won't go back to sleep. Sometimes he just wants to be held and we cuddle. Sometimes he will let me put him in the swing and I can work out while he watches. It's nice when I can put those early hours to good use. 
Then the other two boys wake up around 6:45am and we have about half an hour til we need to get Parker off to school. I drop him off at the front of the school and he walks himself in. What a big boy. Then I come home and read the scriptures and get ready for the day. MWF we are out the door to get Austin to school at 8:30. Then it's just me and my baby buddy. While I often have appointments or use the time to run errands, my most favorite times are when we get to be home gazing at each other. Or he gets a morning nap, and then I clean up the house or do my work for Michigan. 

 Then the bus drops Parker off at our house at 11:15 and he has a few minutes to get started on his homework and eat a snack (usually a bowl of cereal). I love this quiet time to debrief his day with him. Then we load up to go pick up Austin. Our crazy day is done by noon, then we have the afternoon to play, hangout, whatever.

Last week on Columbus day, Pete had work off, so we did our morning routine with the boys, but then we got to go on a day date. It was amazing. We went to the Egg Bistro (which people seem to like around here). It was delicious. It was so nice to be able to spend that time together. And the cinnamon swirl french toast wasn't too bad either.
 In the afternoons we mix it up. Sometimes we go to a museum, or going to the park is common. We also like to go on walks around the neighborhood now that the weather is so much better. On this day we saw a little rainbow.

 We found a new park that we really like and it doesn't have bark or sand, so it's a win in my book!
 Parker was playing with this little girl and she said, "Do you want to play tea party?" Parker responded, "A tea party? What the heck is that?" I'm clearly raising all boys. But he didn't seem to mind when she offered to paint his nails with glitter polish.
 A path at the park...

 Children's museum...
 And then we start our days over and this is usually how they start. Parker is happy, Jackson's content having been up for a while already, and Austin... well who knows what's wrong with him.

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