Friday, October 9, 2015

School stuff

Here is some work from the first weeks of school...

Austin is going to preschool more happily these days. It's been such a positive transformation. We love his teacher, Mrs. Noel. She is so sweet and loving. She's made him very comfortable. They have been working on their colors lately. 

 Parker is also doing great at school. This boy loves to learn. Now that he's being challenged more in the classroom, he has been eager to share with me the words they are learning to read and he even wrote his first sentence for homework. "I can see me." Whoo hoo!

This was from the first day of school.
 My sweet sleeper. He slept from 8:30pm-5:00am last night. Whoop whoop! But then he wants to stay awake.

 Legos are still a favorite in our house. Stepping on little Legos is the worst!!!!
 My little bike rider. He loves going around the neighborhood. The other night we went on a family walk and while Austin is usually a stroller rider, he decided to run. This is shocking given his lazy and slow-moving nature. That kid was hauling! It was hysterical.

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