Monday, March 4, 2013

Soccer player!

Parker is loving the soccer class he does on Monday nights. He is so cute out there and loves Coach Evan. He does a pretty good job listening and even though he is the youngest one, he does a great job skill-wise. His favorite part is drop kicking the squishy balls. He also loves all the creative games they play and the stamp he gets at the end. This was a great activity for him. Now for a mass amount of pictures. 

 Parker also loves having Sadie in the class with him. They can't get enough of each other. She told her mom on the way to soccer one day, "I'm going to ask Parker for help. Parker will help me."


  1. The pictures of Parker playing soccor are great. Wish we could be there some Monday afternoon to watch the kids.

  2. Sorry I misspelled soccer. Oops!!
