Monday, March 25, 2013

Kenny G and other happenings...

On Saturday night, Pete and I went to see Kenny G in concert at Copley Symphony Hall, with Bob and Kari. When we were offered the tix, at first we thought twice given Kenny G wasn't really our style. However, we also figured that if given the opportunity to see an instrumental legend like he is, we should do it. So, we had a nice dinner in downtown SD, followed by what turned out to be an awesome concert. I had no idea how much I would enjoy an instrumentalist. First of all, our seats in the second row were amazing. Then, Kenny G comes strolling down the aisle from the back and then stops right beside to play a whole song. He literally could have emptied his spit valve on me:) gross, but funny. When I think of Kenny G, I think of crazy, voluminous hair. What I did not expect was a VERY skinny man. We are talking VERY skinny. I was also surprised by how entertaining he was. He was cracking jokes, playing crazy licks, and there were numerous sweet moments during the concert. First, he raffled off a saxophone during the concert, and played a song to the winner. The winning couple was so homely and cute and told him how they had his song played at their wedding. They were so precious as they sat up there. At one point the man reached out to hold his cute wife's hand. So sweet. At the end of the concert, Kenny G had a 16 year old leukemia survivor come play with him. They played "Somewhere over the Rainbow" and it was amazing. Really touching. I have a new respect for Kenny G and will never miss another opportunity to see him in concert:)

This week is spring break, so we have lots of play dates planned and we look forward to enjoying the spring weather. Love it.

Last night we had some friends for dinner. Andrea Faulkner and fam, including her sweet Josie. She and Parker got along so well. We found them eating carrots in his bed.
 Austin loved all the entertainment and was crawling around with Olin.
 Parker has enjoyed dressing himself more often lately. Awesome. Not embarassing at all.

1 comment:

  1. wow - kenny g sounds so awesome! Glad you guys could go. Sounds like I would have cried a lot!
