Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Travels home

Oh the red eye... it's one thing if you can sleep on a plane. It's another thing if you have kids strewn across your lap and in your arms and there is no chance of prolonged sleep happening. The boys were awesome on our trip home and slept on the plane. It made a for a low maintenance flight. However, since Pete and I didn't get much/any sleep, by the time we hit Newark for our layover, we were exhausted and the boys were just confused. Then we got to Norfolk and I literally couldn't even fathom parenting the rest of the day, but the kids were rested. Thankfully once we got Jackson down for a nap, Pete and I could sleep while the older boys played video games downstairs. It worked, but it was tough. 
This is how Austin felt about it...
 Lots of sleeping going on... I wish there was a stroller to push me in through the airport.
 The boys are so good to each other. We were on a TINY plane from Newark to Norfolk. Given the ear infection/sinus cold situation, that was pretty uncomfortable. I was never so glad to land.
 Within two days of being home, the Christmas money was burning a hole in the boys' pockets so off to Toys R Us. Parker had his heart set on a certain Lego set...or a large crayon.
 This one is going to be a saver:)
 Thanks Grandpa Lieber for the Christmas money!
 We started Austin on some baby food and he usually loves it, though his grimace communicates a different message.

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