Thursday, September 11, 2014


No matter how much time has passed, when 9/11 rolls around again, you are transported back to that morning years ago when our freedom and safety was rocked. When we no longer felt like a spectator in the world wars on the other man's turf. Not that all that was already going on wasn't devastating or important, but on our soil, our innocent civilians, our buildings... It was a day like no other and I can hardly believe this monumental day was actually during my lifetime. 

Today we remember those that were lost, we thank those who have served and continue to serve on our behalf, and we pray for our leaders to make wise decisions for our nation. It's crazy that so many years have passed and we are still in a place of unrest. It's so scary. 

And yet on the other side of the coin, many celebrate birthdays and wedding anniversaries on this day. There is also reason to be grateful, happy, and hopeful. So today I cling to those emotions, because that's all I can do. We can still maintain a reverence for that day, while keeping a countenance of hope. Obama's speech last night about our future involvements with ISIS and the threat that is still posed against our own country, was a scary one. Especially being a military family now, these speeches really hit home, and have the potential to greatly impact our family. Just when we thought we were nearing the end of the war, greater threats have come about. As a mother, you want nothing more than the safety and happiness of your children. While my kids are living blissfully unaware of most of what's going on abroad, there are children around the globe being subjected to every parent's worst nightmare. I pray for peace around the world, that we all might know of the higher power which has given us life and given us purpose on this earth. 

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this post -- Beautifully said. I especially love your last sentence. Thank you!
