Sunday, April 27, 2014

The rest of Utah...

Going back a bit, I wanted to detail more about our visit with Grandma Ruth. This is Pete's maternal grandmother. The last time we visited her in her home was a year and a half ago. Now she is in the memory unit of a nursing home. We had heard she did not want to be there at first, but was pleased to see that in the past few months she has settled in nicely, making a new best friend (Murdle) and of course her dog is her constant companion. Sweetie (who is really not very sweet to anyone but Ruth) is a very possessive little chihuahua, and I'm amazed they allow her to keep her. But I am glad to see she has someone to love in there. The workers say she still tries to escape sometimes, but overall is doing well. I was pleasantly surprised to see her looking pretty healthy. A few years back she battled cancer and was very frail, but now that she is living at a place that feeds her, she looks stronger than she has in years.

When we walked in, the memory care residents were in a rec room sitting quietly on various couches. When Ruth saw the boys, she lit up with joy (and Sweetie started barking like crazy!), but she had no idea we were there to see her. After going over to explain who we were, it was hard to tell what she thought. Regardless, she was so thrilled to see children, even if she wasn't totally clear that they were her great grandsons. The boys were very good about repeating their names and giving hugs and singing songs. I think they brightened everyone's day.

 She loved listening to the boys sing "I am a Child of God" and "Let it Go"!

Such a meaningful visit. She may not remember who visited, but I hope and pray she remembers that someone was there that loves her very much!

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