Saturday, January 11, 2014

Chuck E. Cheese

Parker has been potty trained since last February. He's done a really great job with hardly any accidents... except for one major issue... he would never poop on the potty (TMI???). Anyway, it's been a major stressor here. We've tried incentives, sticker charts, ignoring the issue, etc.... Nothing has worked. Until a few weeks ago, Parker suddenly told us he was done pooping in diapers. Pete had really been encouraging and empowering him lately and it finally worked. So after a very long wait... he did it. And after doing it 10 days in a row, he earned a visit to Chuck E. Cheese. And this kid was in heaven!

1 comment:

  1. Way to go Parker! Potty training freaks me out. I will have to take notes :)
