Tuesday, September 3, 2013

"Happier at Home"

While I am perfectly happy at home already, the idea of how to be happier at home and how cultivate more happiness around you is one that I am a fan of. At any given time, I look around and can see clutter. Things that need to be put away, things that can be given away, or things that just aren't where they belong. This book "Happier at Home" goes over the how to of observing the stuff around  you (both material stuff and relationships), and seeing if it has a purpose, if it is beautiful, and if it is contributing to or taking away from happiness. The author breaks the "project" down by month starting in September, and since September is upon us, I figured I could/should do the same. So off I go. Yesterday I de-cluttered the bookcase in the living room and it felt GOOD. Like I got rid of a mish mash of old playing cards, cords, calculators, and the like... Why were there four calculators on my bookshelf, when I haven't used a calculator since high school?

Anyway, here are some thoughts I enjoyed...

"Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful."

"Some secrets to adulthood: Just because something is fun for someone else doesn't mean it's fun for me. You need knew friends and old friends. It's more important to say something than it is to say the right thing. "

"Outer order contributes to inner calm." (Bingo!)

"Clean as you go." Don't organize something but leave it dusty or crumb-laden... clean it right away.

"Surfaces should be used for activities not storage. Clear areas stay clear, and messy areas become messier." (This is the case in my kitchen).

"Be cautious of what you acquire." (If it doesn't come into your house in the first place, you will never have to find a place for it).

"Do we use it? Do we love it?"

So my goal this month is to de-clutter and be aware of what I have. Nothing is more frustrating than knowing you have something but having no clue where it is. C'mon... I live in 1000 square feet. I should know where everything is. So September, this is the month we get down to business.

October is about marriage. mmmmm....


  1. What a great post... loved hearing this ideas... good perspective! Totally makes sense!
