Saturday, September 3, 2016

Oh life..

How has it already been a month since we landed in San Diego? It's been a whirlwind... a happy whirlwind... but an adjustment nonetheless. I will write a detailed account of this oh so fun PCS, but for now let's focus on the fun.

Uncle David from Texas came for a visit. I hadn't seen him in 20+ years so it was great to catch up and do some fun things. We went to an antique car show and lunch at In n out. I also baked an apple pie using one of Chloe's leftover crusts. And the boys and I met the adults downtown to drive around Point Loma (oh the memories from college...) and then have a delish dinner at Anthony's. Parker was so mannerly, but Austin's mood was a little touch and go. However I'd rather have a grump than a tantrum thrower any day! Jackson ate SO much and drank his whole cup of water. 

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