Friday, April 8, 2016

Mr. Egg Hunt

Parker seriously got jipped on the egg hunts this year. We did a few at home, but Austin really lived it up with an egg hunt at a friends house and then another one at school. He loved it, but it was funny because in true Austin fashion, he wasn't about getting the most eggs. Instead he would get an egg, shake it, examine it, and then slowly move to the next one. He was allowed 12 eggs, and he only wanted to get 8. haha. So Austin. 
 Jackson was intrigued by the egg hunt fun as well.

 Austin and Felicity. They are 5 months apart and he looks like a toddler next to her.
 Cute kids hopped up on sugar.
 Easter party at preschool So cute. You can't see, but they had whiskers painted on their faces.

 Austin and Austin (same age, largely different stature).
 Jackson was there too enjoying the party.

 Sweet boys.

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