Wednesday, December 2, 2015

More of Thanksgiving

Back to Thanksgiving. Jackson and I went to Parker's school for the Kindergarten feast. It was so cute seeing all the kids walk in as pilgrims and Indians.

 Parker with his very kind teaching assistant, Mrs. Sanchez.
 Parker with some of his buddies.
 Parker and his teacher, Mrs. Nicholes.
So fun. Then on Thursday morning we got ready to go to Charlottesville. It was somewhat chilly, so Jackson decided to rock his Patagonia vest. Unfortunately that outfit only lasted the car ride, because he had a blowout diaper and only had a onesie to wear the rest of the day.
 We tried to take some family photos in Scott and Abbey's backyard. Austin wasn't really in a photogenic mood.
 Ah... there we go.

 Our little fam + Uncle Jeff.
The dinner was so delicious and Abbey nailed it with the turkey again this year. Pete put a lot of pressure on her to make the turkey as amazing as last year, and she delivered:) Obviously, Jeff was satisfied with the meal...
 Here are some of Austin's Thanksgiving crafts from this month.

 Jackson and Abbey (who is 6 weeks older but is already crawling around like a mad-woman). She's leaving Jackson in the dust! SO cute together. But Jackson does have her beat in the weight department.
It was a lovely Thanksgiving and we are really excited to be onto December. The countdown is on until our California Christmas!

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